Barry Boulton, of the Central Sierra Audubon Society Presents:

The Osprey Family of Lake Melones


A free to the public presentation – donations gladly accepted to continue our Second Sunday Speaker Series!

Must reserve your seat as space is limited. RSVP by phone or email: 209-728-6171 or

WHEN? Tuesday, November 27, from 6-8 pm

Where? Manzanita Arts Emporium, 1211 S. Main St., Angels Camp, CA 95222 Tel: (209)728-6171

Osprey, along with the Bald Eagle, is one of our most iconic species since its recovery from DDT, and it’s easier than most to observe because it nests in the open and tolerates humans – even if it doesn’t like us! This Spring, with

great support from Bureau of Reclamation staff, I’ve been vid- eo recording a family at the New Melones Visitors Center be- cause I wanted to understand their behavior patterns – such as the relationships between the adults, between adults and young, and between the siblings themselves. So, I will be presenting the breeding story of this family – and like human families, it has meaning and comedy, familial bonds and com- petition, intrigue and suspense, along with many questions.

Lady Fortune has smiled on this project – there are 4 young in this family, an almost unheard-of number; you can see how crowded the nest is.  It gets crazy when one flaps its wings to exercise its muscles in preparation for that first flight!


Barry Boulton is President of the Central Sierra Audubon Society who is responsible for Calaveras and Tuolumne Counties. He is fascinated with bird behaviors and uses video techniques to record and analyze behaviors and activities. He turns those recordings into video presentations that allow us to better understand what birds are doing, how they evolved, and what they need for survival.