Shelly Thorene
(530) 306-6785
Artist’s Statement
The camera is a tool that I use to focus my attention. It is my proverbial “third eye.” For me, the art of photography is a practice in awareness, a heightened awareness to my surroundings and to my inner self. I strive to be fully present in the moment, as a practice, every day. In that way, my subject matter is in, and all around me.
Photographic art is often thought of in terms of photographing something outside oneself such as an object or a landscape. The camera is not usually tool that comes to mind when thinking in terms of making the intangible visible. This is usually the realm of the painter or the poet. However, every artist, poet and musician is a conduit through which an idea or an emotion becomes an experience or artifact to share, making the invisible visible.
For me, the ultimate joy is in expressing what is in my heart and soul and creating something that resonates, deeply with the viewer.